:: Volume 15, Issue 53 (6-2021) ::
jwmseir 2021, 15(53): 33-45 Back to browse issues page
Introducing Suitable Plants and Determining their Conservation Role in Marl Lands West of Maharloo Watershed
Seyed Masoud Soleimanpour * , Hamid Reza Peyrowan , Gholam Reza Ghahari , Ahmad Hatami , Hamid Hosseini Marandi
Abstract:   (1689 Views)
In this study, plant samples were identified using available scientific sources and by examining various plant characteristics including: density, frequency, canopy status, roots and rhizomes, amount of litter produced, vegetative form, propagation method and longevity, priority plants were classified in order to stabilize and protect the marls. According to the results, 34, 59 and 61 species, respectively, in the first to third priority in order to stabilize and conservation marls in these watershed were introduced. It is necessary to reproduce and establish bush, shrub, tree, forb and perennial grass species, and annual grass and forb species in these lands, respectively. Also, considering the botanical characteristics and natural characteristics of the region and emphasizing that in addition to the issue of erodibility and sediment production, marl lands are mainly low permeability and insufficient moisture for the establishment and growth of plants; It is recommended for the establishment and reproduction of species such as: Astragalus susianus Boiss.، Astragalus gossypinus Fisch. and Artemisia Aucheri Boiss. Take action in the areas covered by marl in this watershed. Because with the management and establishment of these species, in addition to soil conservation, the opportunity to reproduce and preserve these valuable plant species will be provided.
Keywords: Stabilization, vegetative form, erosion, plant species, marl
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/08/11 | Accepted: 2020/11/10 | Published: 2021/09/1

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Volume 15, Issue 53 (6-2021) Back to browse issues page