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:: Volume 18, Issue 64 (5-2024) ::
jwmseir 2024, 18(64): 1-14 Back to browse issues page
Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration in Gamasiab Watershed Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data
Sara Parvizi , Seyed Zeynalabedin Hosseini * , Ali Talebi , Salahodin Zahedi
Abstract:   (759 Views)

The amount of sediment and suspended materials, along with flowing water, is one of the important concerns in the design of hydraulic structures, such as channels, valves, and turbines of dams. This issue is very important from other aspects, such as maintaining the quality of soil in agricultural lands, addressing environmental issues, and managing water resources for drinking and industry. Satellite images, are used to estimate and monitor the water quality of rivers (especially the concentration of suspended load), the sources of pollution, and their movement. They cover a large area of the study area simultaneously, and they also record the spectral reflection of terrestrial phenomena. They have high efficiency. In general, research conducted in the field of the relationship between the spectral reflectance of water (recorded in satellite images) and the concentration of suspended load shows that there is a correlation between the red and infrared wavelengths with the concentration of suspended load. This correlation can be used as an indicator in the evaluation of these bands and to estimate the amount of suspended load concentration. The proper method to find the local model of suspended sediment concentration is to use field data collected during satellite imaging. In this article, the estimation of suspended sediment using Sentinel-2 satellite images in a narrow river has been discussed.

Materials and Methods
In this research, the estimation of suspended sediment concentration using Sentinel-2 satellite images in low latitude rivers has been investigated. In order to investigate the correlation between the spectral reflectance of the Sentinel-2 image bands and the concentration of suspended sediment, the statistics of the concentration of suspended sediments at the Polchehr station, located in the Gamasiab River of Kermanshah province, in a five-year period (1394 to 1398) were used simultaneously with them. For this purpose, a range of different amounts of sediment has been used, from a concentration of 0.44 mg/liter to 118.86 mg/liter. Out of the total of 24 images suitable for the days of measurement of suspended sediment concentration, four images were removed due to cloudiness, and two images with abnormal reflection higher than the others. Finally, 18 satellite images related to floods were used, of which 12 images (70% of the data) were used in the calibration stage, and 6 images (30%) were used in the validation stage. In this study, the pixel values of the images corresponding to the hydrometry data of Polchehr were extracted in two modes: single band and band ratio. Suitable regression models (linear, exponential, and polynomial) were fitted, and the accuracy of these models has been checked. Finally, the type of algorithm governing the concentration of suspended sediment in Gamasiab River was determined.

Results and Discussion
In this research, 8 bands of the Sentinel-2 satellite were used as single bands and band ratios. The results showed that the concentration of suspended sediment in the Polchehr station varied from 0.44 mg/liter to 118.86 mg/liter. Based on the results, it was found that dates with higher reflectance values had higher measured suspended sediment concentrations. The highest amount of reflection from the water surface was observed in band five (703 nm) and B8A. Also, from the obtained models, it was found that in the case of a single band, better results were obtained than when the band ratio was used. The exponential model related to band 5, which had a higher correlation with all sediment values, and the coefficient of determination was obtained as 0.83. To evaluate the results of the current research, the root mean square error of the evaluation index was used, and its value was 33.95 for the 5-fold band. It was found that the modeling of the suspended sediment parameter was done with proper accuracy. The results of the present study showed that satellite images can be useful for evaluating water quality monitoring. In addition, this study showed that Sentinel-2 can be used as a suitable tool for estimating suspended sediment concentration with acceptable accuracy in small-scale watersheds and flood conditions.

The results showed that the Sentinel-2 satellite images and the equations obtained in the present research are suitable for calculating the suspended sediment concentration in the Gamasiab watershed of Kermanshah province. Based on the results, it was found that nine models for the studied area had acceptable and suitable coefficients of determination and error values. Among the obtained models, it was found that better results were obtained in the single-band mode than in the mode where the band ratio was used. Also, the results showed that the exponential model related to Band 5, which had a higher correlation with all the sediment values, can be used to estimate the suspended sediment concentration from Sentinel-2 satellite images in the Gamasiab watershed of Kermanshah province when it is possible to collect no field data. The present study will be useful as a reference for future research in investigating and estimating suspended sediments using satellite data. In addition, considering the importance of suspended sediment in water quality and its effects on the environment and economy of the region, the use of suspended sediment estimation methods using satellite data can be used as a fast and efficient way to monitor water quality in narrow rivers.
Article number: 1
Keywords: Atmospheric correction, Band ratio, Suspended matter, Spectral Behavior, Sentinel-2.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/05/31 | Accepted: 2023/11/28 | Published: 2024/06/6
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parvizi S, Hosseini S Z, Talebi A, Zahedi S. Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration in Gamasiab Watershed Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data. jwmseir 2024; 18 (64) : 1
URL: http://jwmsei.ir/article-1-1121-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 64 (5-2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله علوم ومهندسی آبخیزداری ایران Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering
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