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:: Volume 18, Issue 66 (8-2024) ::
jwmseir 2024, 18(66): 49-58 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Effect of Floodwater Spreading on Soil Infiltration (Case Study: Davudrashid Kouhdasht Floodwater Spreading Station)
Ebrahim Karimi Sangchini * , Ebrahim Yousefi Mobarhan , Iraj Vayskarami , Firouzeh Vayskarami
Abstract:   (432 Views)
Flood is one of the natural disasters that leaves a lot of damage in nature. Planning to use seasonal floods, while reducing their destructive effects, provides a new source of water to the consumer. Floodwater spreading is one of the methods that provides the basis for the optimal use of floods. Among the limitations that threaten Floodwater spreading projects is the gradual decrease in the amount of water infiltration in the soil, which is mainly due to the blocking of soil pores due to the spread of small and suspended particles that are carried by the flood. Davudarshid Kouhdasht floodwater spreading research station has been built with the aim of controlling floods, feeding underground water tables and adapting different tree species in this Kouhdasht area. The most important problem of this system is the accumulation of sediments on the surface, which over time has reduced the effectiveness of the system. Davudrashid Kouhdasht Floodwater spreading research station is important because before the construction of this project, Kouhdasht city and Ab Bariki village were exposed to floods. The purpose of this research is to investigate the changes in water permeability in the soil at the Davudrashid Kouhdasht floodwater spreading station, and to compare these changes compared to the control area.

Materials and Methods
The Davudrashid flood distribution station in the coordinates 33ْ 33َ 42ء north latitude and 47ْ 41َ 03ء east longitude (area of about 23 hectares) is located in Kouhdasht plain. This project was put into operation in 1998.This station has 6 sedimentation ponds and 18 expansion channels. First, the scope of the project was determined on the topographic map and an area similar to the floodwater spreading area (similar in terms of climate and topography, soil) was selected as a control. In order to compare the permeability of the field soil with the control field, sampling was done from the soil inside the flooded strips (spreading area) and the land adjacent to the field where the flood does not spread (control area). 28 samples were selected from the Floodwater spreading field and 20 samples based on systematic-random method. In the field of flood distribution between 18 expansion channels, a strip transect was randomly used to measure permeability. The amount of infiltration was recorded using Double ring at time intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 80 and 120 minutes. t-Student test was used in SPSS software for statistical analysis of permeability data. Kruskal-Wallis test was used in SPSS software to compare the changes in water permeability in soil in different areas of Floodwater spreading due to flooding.

Results and Discussion
Examining the collected data shows that the final infiltration in the control area (12.4 cm/h) is more than the flood spreading area (9.2 cm/h). According to the standard infiltration table, both flood and control areas are in the medium permeability class and do not differ much from each other. The t-test at different times between the flood and control areas shows that there is a significant difference at the level of 5 percent between the water permeability in the soil of the flood and control areas at 1, 2, and 30 minutes. At other times, there is a significant difference between the amount of water permeability in the soil of the Floodwater spreading areas and the control at the level of 1 percent. The results of statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test at different times between the upstream, middle and downstream areas of floodwater spreading show that at times 1, 80, 120 and the sum of the times of the second hour, there is a significant difference in the level of water permeability in the soil of different floodwater spreading areas at the level of 5 and one percent. At other times, in terms of this parameter, there is a significant difference at the level of 5 percent among the areas of flood distribution. The final infiltration speed in the upstream, middle and downstream areas was 8.9, 7.3 and 1.8 cm/hour, respectively. According to the standard penetration table, all three broadcast arenas are in the middle penetration class and do not differ much from each other.

From the results of this research, it is concluded that the floodwater spreading operation has affected the pattern of water permeability in the soil (amount and speed) in the field of Davudrashid Kouhdasht floodwater spreading and has led to a decrease in the average permeability speed. Due to the accumulation of water behind Stacks (inside the arenas) before the exit of excess water from the valves, significant amount of suspended material has settled down and in general has caused a decrease in permeability, which is significant at the level of 1%. It can be concluded from the results of investigating the infiltration rate in different areas of flood spreading, the infiltration rate in the downstream of the floodwater spreading area is higher than the upstream and middle of the area. This conclusion shows that the upstream sedimentation has reduced the rate of water infiltration in the soil. In general, the results of this research show that flood spreading affects soil permeability and causes a slight decrease in soil water permeability over time. Also, the amount of this reduction is different in different areas of floodwater spreading and from the upstream to the downstream of the floodwater spreading area (due to less sedimentation), the rate of infiltration increases slightly, but according to the comparisons related to the final infiltration capacity, it was determined that the spreading area The flood and the control area are not much different in terms of infiltration, and from the results of this research, it can be concluded that after about 30 years of the construction of this system, the infiltration is still appropriate and fast, and we should not worry about such an issue in the coming years. The results of this research can be used for better management of floodwater spreading station on Davudrashid Kouhdasht aquifer.
Article number: 5
Keywords: Kruskal-Wallis test, t-test, Double ring, Witness field, Kouhdasht Lorestan.
Full-Text [PDF 1466 kb]   (150 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/05/7 | Accepted: 2024/07/13 | Published: 2024/09/15
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Karimi Sangchini E, Yousefi Mobarhan E, Vayskarami I, Vayskarami F. Investigating the Effect of Floodwater Spreading on Soil Infiltration (Case Study: Davudrashid Kouhdasht Floodwater Spreading Station). jwmseir 2024; 18 (66) : 5
URL: http://jwmsei.ir/article-1-1163-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 66 (8-2024) Back to browse issues page
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