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:: Volume 10, Issue 35 (1-2017) ::
jwmseir 2017, 10(35): 27-38 Back to browse issues page
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Assessment Groundwater Potential Zones Mapping Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technique
Mohammad Rahimi * , Karim Solaimani
Abstract:   (9466 Views)

groundwater level at last decades has dropped due to additional utilization than recharge these resources. Management and prevent of these problems through exploration commensurate with aquifer Potential is one of important chosen Strategic. Considering the number of parameters identifying zones or areas appropriate for Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zone, particularly aimed at feeding aquifers, the use of modern methods of production and new methods of synthesis and the decision making is inevitable. The purpose of this study is use of decision support systems and geographic information systems in order to achieve the appropriate Groundwater Potential Zone in Dehgolan plain. In the study The extraction of potential map is based on input effective parameters data such as: including slope, geology, surface permeability, elevation, density drainage and density fault of the study area. The Satty’s analytical network processing (ANP) is used as a MCDM technique to normalise the weights of various thematic layers and their classes in Super Decision software. Thematic layers were integrated using weighted overlay method in a GIS environment to generate groundwater potential and recharge zone maps. Finally, the potential map of groundwater was produced in five grades from high potential to without potential. Accordingly, many potential area with 9/6 % of total area, are located in a thick layer of Quaternary deposits and close to major waterways. The produced map were verified against existing well data (yield, transmissivity, water level). It was found that the model useful for assessment of groundwater potential zone.

Keywords: Groundwater Potential, RS, GIS, ANP, Weighted Index overlay, Dehgolan Plain
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/02/23 | Accepted: 2016/10/23 | Published: 2016/12/21
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rahimi M, solaimani K. Remote Sensing and GIS Based Assessment Groundwater Potential Zones Mapping Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technique. jwmseir 2017; 10 (35) :27-38
URL: http://jwmsei.ir/article-1-433-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 35 (1-2017) Back to browse issues page
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